Dave Hill

  • Total activity 189
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Recent activity by Dave Hill Recent activity Votes
  • New Company Announcement - Summer 2017

    Here's what happening this summer...  Summer may be hot, but these summer employee perks are even hotter. Check out the Summer 2016 perks here. What’s new?  With the Company’s enhanced focus on sum...


    We are aware that our VPN is currently down and are working with our VPN Provider support on resolving the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and will send out separate comms once the VPN is...

  • Printing on both sides of a page

    Printing on both sides of paper is called duplex printing. Most printers offer the option of automatically printing on both sides of a sheet of paper (automatic duplex printing). Other printers pro...

  • About ZenIT Network Access

    Summary How to connect to the office wifi. In every ZenIT office, there are two wireless networks: zenit and zenitguest. Below are some guidelines for wireless network usage. Corporate-issued de...

  • Printer Set up

        Option-1 Navigate to control panel>Devices and Printers> Add a Printer   The Wizard will start looking for the shared devices, if none is found, click on “The printer that I want is not liste...

  • How do I add an emergency contact?

    To add an emergency contact, log in to the Employee portal:

  • How do I change my home address?

    Change your home or mailing address Open Google Maps and make sure you're signed in. In the search box, type Home or Work . Next to the address you want to change, click Edit. Type in a new addre...

  • How do I customize my Help Center?

    You can modify the look and feel of your Help Center by changing colors and fonts. You can also change the way your content is organized by using themes. If you're comfortable working with page cod...

  • How do I set up the WonderWorks mobile app?

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ...

  • How do I update my beneficiary information?

    To update your beneficiary information: